Sunday, January 2, 2011

Needs VS Wants

"Necessity is not an established fact, but an interpretation."

When I'm think of my needs, there are far and few true necessities.  Air, shelter, food, and water; are the necessities to survive.  But what about happiness, human connections, and most importantly love?  Do they fall under the category of a necessity?  Or are they simply wants? 

Of course, it is in our nature to desire social interactions, happiness and love, but does it mean that we cannot survive without these things?  If we were to remove ourselves from everything society has shown us to be considered the norm, where would we be?   Is it possible, to find love and happiness if we remove the social interactions from our lives?  Solace, simple living, alone.  Can one find contentment in themselves to the point of a blissful, long lasting love affair within themselves?  Or is love and happiness only available when others are introduced into the picture? 

But then the question begs to be asked; why is it always said that in order to love another, you must love yourself first?  I'm not sure I fully understand this concept, as I have, for many years, been in a love hate relationship of my own.  I love my kids, I love my mother, I love my husband, and I love my very dear friends, but I certainly don't always love myself.  It's easy for me to preach the words and to make sense of them, but should I be allowed to give the advice, if I myself, have yet to figure out how to do the very same thing?


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