Thursday, January 13, 2011

Solo Trip?

"Let your mind start a journey thru a strange new world.  Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before.  Let your soul take you where you long to be.  Close your eyes, let your spirit start to soar, and you'll live as you've never lived before."
- Erich Fromm

For some, it may be easy to turn everything off while still in their day to day surroundings.  For me it's not so easy.  I just can't seem to close off everything and if by chance I do manage it, it's not long before the concentration is broken.  So today while I was at work, fighting to keep tears hidden and struggling to answer the phone with a painful lump in my throat, I began contemplating something I haven't thought about in recent years.  Though it's something I've always wanted to do, I just haven't made the time. 

A solo trip.  Just me, some music, my car, a tent and the open road.  Get outta dodge so to speak.  Maybe I need to just get away from everything that I feel defines me.  Out of my comfort zone, out of my mind a little, and most importantly, away from everyone.   So, once I was home I broached the idea to my husband, and believe it or not, he was much more supportive than I expected.  Frankly, I thought he would whine about not going, or how much it would cost, yada yada yada, which is the normal shpeil I would get.  But I think it's evident, that this just might be what I need.  

Now clearly I can't just up and go whenever the hell I damn well please.  So a little planning and scheduling will be in the mix.  But for the most part I'm thinking about just wingin it and see what happens.  So as of now, I'm going to pencil in some me time.  Some MAJOR me time at that.  Now, I've just got to stick to it and remind myself not to feel guilty about it.   

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