Thursday, January 27, 2011


"The road to truth is long, and lined the entire way with annoying bastards."
- Alexander Jablokov

No matter what type of trip you're taking, a journey of self discovery, a trip to the grocery store, a cross country road trip, you will find these people.  Alexander Jablokov couldn't have put it more simply. 

I'm not sure why I can be so easily annoyed.  Perhaps it's my impatience, or maybe it's a shrill in a person's voice?  I'm not sure why and I'm sure it makes me sound like a bitch when I say it, but fact is, the world is filled with annoying people.  Normally, I don't give in to these whims of aggrivation, but I certainly fill my mind with thoughts of things I'd like to do in those moments.  For example, today at work, I answered the phone and recognized the woman's name immediately.  It wasn't even a minute until we were closing.  Instantly, I was annoyed.  All I could think about was to just hang up on her.  Of course I didn't, but it wasn't that the want wasn't there.  It certainly was. 

I guess when you've done telemarketing for a year and a half, and then work at a private association, you develope "thick skin" so to speak.  I guess you could say most of my jobs have fallen into the customer service field in some way shape or form.  On one side of the fence I'm utterly thankful to have experienced what I like to consider those that are most ungratefully, rude SOB's that walk amongst us.  They remind me to say thank you to everyone who serves me and to be a little bit nicer to those simply doing unpleasant jobs.  I've been there, I can appreciate their efforts.  On the other hand, it leaves me with a disheartened feeling that sinks into my heart thinking that our society has become just as simply put before ungrateful. 

Now I'm not saying that everyone is an ungratefully rude SOB, believe me, I know many good hearted people who are thankful everyday simply to be alive.  But I find it quite alarming the rate of which I've seen less of the good guys and more of the bad.  How does it happen?  Where does it start?  Is there someone we can blame?  Not that playing the blame game is going to do much good.

But when I think about this, a lot of it comes down to parenting, I think.  I'm not saying that there are not good parents out there whose children have gone awry.  But I seen a change in parenting style over the last decade that is just down right scary.  Who lets a five year old ride their bike wherever they like by themselves?  It's just not right.  I think a lot of what I see is the "If they're out of my hair, I don't care." attitude.  Not only is it not safe, but it's very sad.  Every child deserves a parents love, attention, time, care, etc.  So why has it become "acceptable" to parents to rely on the community to keep their children safe, when they are the ones who should be held responsible.

I live in small town America.  Not much of a crime rate around here, but still, it's unacceptable.  At least in my eyes.  Who knows, sometimes I think I should have lived in the 1950's. 

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