Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Motivation, Or Lack There Of

"People often say that motivation doesn't last.  Well, neither does bathing.  That's why we recommend it daily."
- Zig Ziglar

After the holiday season, my house always seems to be in disarray.  As I sit here looking at the heaping mounds of laundry yet to do, I just cannot seem to find the umpf to get up, wash, dry, fold and put it away.   Sure, I can see the benefits of having it done; clean clothes, no more piles of laundry on my floor, and one less thing to do tomorrow.  Of course when I'm done here, I will force myself to do it, cause it needs to get done. But what fun is that?  Forcing yourself to do something you don't like.  I just wish I could find a way to enjoy doing the mundane daily chores in my life, but who really enjoys doing laundry?  Clearly, not I.

Anyway, I seem to find myself in this predicament often enough, lacking the motivation to get things done.  Whether it be a simple chore of cleaning or pertaining to new years resolutions, you know the standard, lose weight, get into shape, blah, blah, blah.  So this morning I googled motivation to see if I could at all get a jump start.  I read a few quotes, stumbled across some advertising webpages for "motivation in a box" which at least made me laugh, and then a read a few blogs.  One page in particular stood out, because it seems to give you a step by step of achieving nearly any goal you put their techniques to.  Zen Habits had a great article that you can find here, to get off your butt and get moving so to speak. 

Whether you put their tips towards your own new years resolutions, your goals before swim suit season, or to the mere ponderances of personal change, they sound like they can be a real help.  Say you want to eat healthier, but the thought of cooked carrots makes you gag, or that you want to lose 20 pounds, but the boredom of a tredmill keeps you from even starting, these tips give you the tools to find new motivation, or excitement if you will, of obtaining your goals. 

I personally am looking forward to attempting a few of these and will let you know if they have been of any help to me.  After having read through a few of the suggestions, I've found I've already implimented a couple into my routine, before I even knew they were "tips."  So, kudos to me. Yes, I just did a little celebration for myself for being so "smart."  :)  But as for now, laundry beckons and it doesn't look like I'm going to have much luck with my imaginary magic wand, it appears to be broken. 

So hopefully, even if these tips don't pan out for me, they will help someone else.  Good luck on your goals, whatever they may be. 

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