Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Can You See Me?

"And now here is my secret, a very simple secret; it is only with the heart that one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye."
- Antoine de Saint-Exupery

When I'm out and about stumbling through the blog world.  Every once in a while, I'll come across a blog of which reminds me of my own.  The invisible blogger.  There are never any pictures of this person, or of their family.  It begs my imagination to create a writer.  It's always interesting to me.  To create an image of what I think the person looks like based upon their writings. 

You can never tell.  I've been fortunate in some instances to see the identities revealed after I've created the person.  Sometimes, my imagination seems to be on point, other times, I'm flabbergasted.  It's a wonderful thing really.  I wonder what I must seem to appear like to others.  Those that don't know a lick about me other than my words.  I wonder if they see me as I am or if they see me in another light.

That's the great thing about the imagination, it never lets you down.  You can completely get lost in all that your mind creates.  There's one blogger I have been following for a while now.  I imagine him to be tall, a moderate build, not extremely fit, but not out of shape.  For whatever reason, I see him with an Italian heritage somewhere in his blood lines.   I picture a deeply furrowed brow, dark eyes, and a cleanly unshaven look.  I imagine tired bags beneath his eyes, he seems to write in the early morning hours of day.  

I guess you could say I like to depict the lives of other anonymous bloggers like myself in a way to connect them to something, even if I may be wrong in my assumptions, it's always nice to put a face to the words I read.  Now, that said, I've often thought of putting a picture of myself on here, to show you who I am, I believe pictures can say a lot about you, but at the same time, I don't think it's necessary if you're equipped with an imagination.  

So tell me, can you see me?    

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