"Compassion is sometimes the fatal capacity for feeling what it is like to live inside somebody else's skin. It is the knowledge that there can never really be any peace and joy for me until there is peace and joy finally for you too."
- Frederick Buechner
If I could take on the burdens and pain of those I love, I would without hesitation. I've always found myself to be a very compassionate, empathetic person; sometimes to a fault. But as the years have gone by, I have slowly allowed it to envelope me. It makes me feel as if I am a better person, that maybe, even if only on a small scale I can make a difference in the world. That's all I really want out of this life; is to make a difference, to touch someones heart, to give them what unrequited desires I had, the love and acceptance that I have longed for for as long as I can remember.
I'm not saying I want to be the next Mother Theresa or Gandhi. But just to make someones life a little easier. A couple days ago, I was told I was a great friend. Now this isn't the first time I've heard that, but there was something about this last time where I actually believed it 100% in my heart. It wasn't until I was searching for a response that the words "It's what I'm here for." came into my mind. When I said those words, it took me by surprise. It was like the first time you see fireworks as a kid. I was in awe and wonderment as to why it's taken me so long to finally see what I've known so much about for so long.
It was definitely more of an awakening in my soul that took place with those few words. I understand now why it is important to me to be a good friend, to be the best friend one can turn to. I never had that until this last year. I know I'm a little all over the place and my emotions have their way of running the show no matter how hard I fight them sometimes, but this is the first time in so long that I've actually felt I make a difference even if it's only minuscule. I'm happy with that.
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