Friday, March 4, 2011

It Hits You and You're Like DUH!

You ever have those moments when you randomly hear a song and it fits everything just so perfectly?  Well I had one of those moments tonight.  I was in the shower doing my thing, dancing, washing my hair, singing way off key, and the next song came on; in an instant, I knew this is exactly what my hearts been trying to say. 

Now why I haven't thought of this song before, I'm not sure why.  After all I love me some George Strait, but still it never occurred to me before tonight. Now you can take the romantic connotation out of this song, or hell even leave it in and it all still makes so much sense. 

But with this song, it was really was a DUH! moment on my part.  I'm not always the best when it comes to expressing how I feel about those I love to them, so I try to show it the best I can.  I've got this great friend, my best friend in fact, and I don't know that I always show him or tell him how much he really means to me.  I mean I try, I'm just not good at it.  So when I heard this song, it says everything I couldn't find the wording to say. 

Just knowing that he cares and loves me for me, well it makes every day a little easier, so when it's a rough one, just knowing I've got his love, well it makes all the difference.  

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