Friday, February 18, 2011

Guilty Conscience, Coincidence or Something Else?

"Conscience is the inner voice that warns us somebody may be looking."
- Henry Louis Mencken

So have you ever had something happen and think to yourself "phew that was close." only to then reflect on why it was such a close call?  It happens to me all of the time and I've been debating, is it sheer coincidence, guilty conscience, or is it something of the "psychic abilities" that we are all supposedly equipped with.

Here's just a simple example of something that happens on a regular basis for me.  If lets say I'm intentionally speeding, yes I know it's wrong, don't give me any flack usually it's because I'm late, still not excuse worthy, but lets say that's the example.  I can be speeding through my drive and suddenly I'll get a gut urge to slow down.  Like something is telling me, there will be a police car up ahead.  So slow down I will and 9 out of the 10 times that this occurs there has been a police car coming in my direction, parked along the roadside, etc. 

Now is this simply coincidence that I have these gut feelings and see a police car? Is it my guilty conscience that makes me slow down and see a police car as a reminder this is why you don't speed? Or is it something of the "psychic" nature?  I'm not sure, but it's fun to consider the last option.  It's very difficult to explain, it just happens.  It's not like I can see the future, it's not that I can pull lottery numbers out of thin air, it's just these strange little insignificant urges that pop up from time to time and usually they are right. 

I know this is a really random entry, but chances are, most of my posts fall into that realm.  I tend to be a bit all over the place.  Sorry if it's a bit confusing, just try to put yourself in my shoes, then see how truly confusing it can be!

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