Saturday, January 8, 2011


"Only another mother can understand the helpless feeling a mother endures when her child is sick and suffering."
- Babers

Tonight once I was home from picking my children up from my in laws home, I noticed that my son seemed to be very hot to the touch.  Upon checking his temperature, what I found was to be correct.  A whopping 101.8* fever on our hands.  So the normal routine ensued, Tylenol to take the fever down, a cool compress and lots of snuggles with mom.  About an hour later, his started complaining that his ears hurt and proceeded to cover his ears any time his sister would squeal or the dog would bark.  So we snuggled some more and shortly after his ear incident he said he felt sick.  And sick he got.  Poor baby, he couldn't stand it.  He said it went up his nose, and it hurt and he cried so hard.  After that his ears were off the charts, finally I managed to get him settled down with a warm compress and his head on my chest.  He fell asleep. 

To not be able to make my little man feel better, is the worst feeling in the world.  As a mom, it's the hardest thing to face.  A mommy is supposed to make everything all better.  I can't imagine how mothers of children with serious illnesses manage the heartaches they must face.  My heart breaks for them.  To all the mothers out there, battling those heartaches, I find inspiration in your strength and send all well wishes and hopes of health to your families.

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